I did my first wedding!! Hooray! I was invited to help with the make-up for my friend Amy's wedding. I did the make-up for (4) bridesmaids. She had her wedding at a really neat bed and breakfast up in Idyllwild. It was so beautiful up there that day! There was such wonder and sparkles in the air! What a special day! And I was priveleged enough to be a part of it! I felt so special being able to be there and amidst all of the excited hopeful emotions. This day marked my hope for me becoming a make-up artist. I can't express how filled with joy I was to help out! It was so much fun and I was able to make people feel comfortable and to beautify them for such a special day! I had an absolute blast!! You know the feeling when you get when you start to see the Christmas decorations come into the stores? And you know that Christmas is approaching, with all of it's wonderful lights and everyone's spirit is filled with vibrant vitality? That was how I felt when I drove back home! I knew then that this was definitely something that I want to pursue and is something that I just love to do. ♥
Below are the Before's and After's of the (4) bridesmaids that I was privileged enough to beautify! ♥ The awesome graphics are designed by my hubby! (The photos have not been re-finished or re-touched.) Please leave a comment and tell me what you think!!




Tauna is also a model! Check out her Myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/tnt_tauna
Tauna was awesome and wrote a blurb for my blog:
"Jodi is such a sweetheart! She does amazing work and is very professional. She came up to Idyllwild on relatively short notice to do makeup for 4 bridesmaids with only a couple of hours to do it in. Everyone looked great and the bride loved the natural looks that Jodi gave us. Having had my makeup done by plenty of Makeup Artists being a model, Jodi does an excellent job. She has a gentle touch and a great personality that you're sure to get along with." - Tauna Carson
Have a wonderful night filled with blessings & joy!